In the bustling heart of Delhi lies a hidden spiritual treasure - the Dargah of Hazrat Khwaja Hasan Khayyaat R.A. This 13th-century saint's journey from worldly pursuits to divine devotion captivates the imagination. Abandoning material concerns, Khwaja Hassan became a dedicated disciple of the revered Khawaja Qutubuddin Bhaktiyar Kaki. Within the sacred walls of the khanqah, Khwaja Hassan found his calling. He humbly served his pir by stitching clothes, earning the title "Khayyat" (tailor) - a name that would echo through centuries. His unwavering dedication led to the honor of Khilafat, marking him as a spiritual heir. Though he departed this world in the 13th century, his legacy endured. Years later, devotees built a mazar, ensuring his memory would inspire future generations. Today, the Dargah is a testament to Khwaja Hassan Khayyaat's spiritual journey, drawing seekers who yearn to connect with the divine through the saint's enduring presence.