Dilkusha Garden and kothi it was in 1800 that Nawab Saadat Ali Khan along with his British friend Major Ouseley, intended to construct Dilkusha Kothi with the intention to use the same as a hunting lodge. Later the place also served as a summer relaxation spot for the Nawabs. Located on the banks of River Gomti, this is a tall structure and very different from traditional Indian architecture. There were some changes in the design of the building which was implemented by Nawab Nasir-ud-din Haider during 1827-1837. However the Palace was absolutely ruined at the time of Lucknow Seige and on every walls there were gunshot marks which shouted the sacrifice of brave freedom fighters. In November 1857, Sir Colin Campbell, who was the Commander-in- Chief then, took over the palace with the help of British forces.