The order to build Rudrapur's Eidgah Beniganj was given by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb to his second son Muazzam Ali Shah about 330 years ago. It is a unique symbol of Mughal architecture. The Idgah has three doors. A pulpit and small minarets hold within themselves the memories of the past. Fifteen thousand people can offer namaz at a time in this Idgah. According to information received a few years ago, its Mutawalli Junaid had papers bearing Aurangzeb's seal. Idgah's secretary Israr Ahmed had told long ago that the same materials have been used in the construction of this Idgah which have been used in the construction of Jama Masjid Urdu Bazar. He had told that bitter oil, pulses, lime, red lead and lakhori bricks of that era have been used in its construction. There is a well inside it. There are seven wells around it. However, the wells have ceased to exist. The width of the Idgah is one hundred and eighty meters. There are two gates in this historic Eidgah. One gate was built by Emperor Aurangzeb. One gate was built by the committee with the help of the public. He told that it was built under the supervision of Aurangzeb's second son Bahadur Shah I, Prince Muazzam Shah. Earlier there were two tamarind trees here. One was a green tamarind tree and the other was a red tamarind tree. Because of these tamarind trees, this Eidgah became famous as Imli Wali Eidgah. The red tamarind tree was near the gate and the green tamarind tree was inside the Eidgah. It was cut down about twenty years ago. On the day of Eid and Eidul Azha, eight thousand Namazis offer Namaaz inside the Eidgah and four thousand offer Namaaz on the road outside the Eidgah. Earlier three shells were fired here before the Namaaz. Now they are not used because these crackers were for informing the Namazis, then when the use of loudspeakers started, their use stopped.