In the Dariyapur mohalla in the north end of the city between Delhi and Dariyapur gates, is large desecrated mosque usually called the Futti Masjid as being in decay called Fateh Masjid It is of considerable dimension -116 feet in length inside about 26.5 feet deep from inside tge front pillars to back wall.The whole facade is open supported by eighteen pillars and it has on the roof of five domes.The area covered by the central one is seprated from those on each side of it by a double side , the two at each end stand close together. The structure is undated but may with considerable certainity be placed in the first quarter of the sixteen century or at the very end of the precceding. The pillars have high square base, and are themselves square to about half their total height , above with corners are chambered off, making the upper portions octagonal.The minarets are slender ,25 feet high , in three storeys and with beautiful carving. The Mihrabs are of three styles , those at the end usually plain, with little more moulding . Opposite to the masjid is the roza.