Sankalwala Pir Saheb Dargah Sharif where The first king of Kachchh was having no child so that he bagged in front of divine person for a child. Divine person Piran pir of Muslim community blessed him and told that some Pir will come in Bhuj and he will bless you a child. And same thing happened. As the King of Kachchh got a boy child he forced Pir Abdullasha to stay in Bhuj forever. When Pir Abdullasha told that he wants respect and peace, the King gave him a marked area covered with Sankal means Chain. So that this dargah is known as Sankarvali Dargah. At present the 10th generation of Pir Abdullasha is ruling as tradition of throne and one of them and husband of Kulsumbibi is recently buried here.